Table of antiX Boot Parameters

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Boot Parameters for antiX

Live Boot File Loading

Option Description Examples

Boot from


The primary job of Live initrd is to find the compressed file system called a squashfs file, which in antiX is normally named linuxfs. It needs to find the device that hosts this file. If it cannot find the linuxfs file, the antiX live system will not boot.

Normally, it will scan all cdrom (and dvd) and usb devices in search for that file. This default behavior can be modified with the following options.

The easiest way to specify the boot device is the from option, which specifies what type of device to boot from. It can take the following parameters, separated by commas:

cd Look for the linuxfs file in any connected cd/dvd devices.
usb Search for the boot folder in any of the USB connected HD devices.
hd Look and boot from any internally connected HD device.
mmc Search for the boot files inside any MMC connected devices.
all Search in all connected devices for the boot files and boot from the first one that matches (first searches for USB, then CD/DVD and finally all internally connected HD devices).

The default is usb,cd so it will only look at the usb devices and cdrom/dvd devices (in that order) for the boot directory. You can also use a device name, label or uuid with the Boot Location parameters below.

from=mmc,hd will search and load the linuxfs boot file, first trying in all MMC connected devices and after, if not found in mmc, inside all internal HD devices. If it cannot find any boot files, the boot process will fail.

Boot Location


As previously stated, the default boot device on a Live Boot is whatever device that has a linuxfs boot file. If there are many partitions that need to be searched or you want a specific one to be used as boot device, you will need to specify it.

bootdev=<dev> or bdev=<dev> will set the name of the <device> that hosts the boot file.
bootlabel=<label>, blabel=<label> or blab=<label> will set the <label> of the partition that hosts the boot files.
bootuuid=<uuid> or buuid=<uuid> will set The UUID of the boot device.

Only use one of the above options to set the boot device to avoid problems.

By default, the path to the boot file will be /antiX/linuxfs, so the boot directory is /antiX. You can set a different directory path for your boot file using

bootdir=<path> or bdir=<path>, where <path> stands for the directory path of the folder that stores the boot file you want to load.

buuid=6d44c859-e1c4-42d0-b3ea-147b028fc93c sets the partition uuid 6d44c859-e1c4-42d0-b3ea-147b028fc93c as the device which contains the boot file.

bdir=antiX-Boot/antiX-19-2 will load your boot files from that specific path /antiX-Boot/antiX-19-2 (that is the real directory path inside the device). Make sure there is no / symbol before or after the boot directory path.

Specific squashfs


If you are using a specific squashfs name (different from linuxfs), you can specify it before the boot process starts.

sq=<path> is used to give both the path and name of the boot file, so <path> will look like /path/to/file.
sqname=<name> is used to give the exact file name of the desired boot file.
sqext=<extension> is used for loading a different boot file (with the same linuxfs name) but with an existing added extension. It can be ones created after one or consecutive remasters (linuxfs.old or or you may use extensions to separate different versions stored in the same file (for example, linuxfs.19 for antiX 19 or linuxfs.2020 if you create a remaster evry year).

These boot options will work for finding both live boot and frugal boot squash file systems.

sq=/Bootfiles/antiX19/linuxfs will be used to load the specified linuxfs bootfile stored in /Bootfiles/antiX19/. If this file cannot be found the boot process will stop.

sqname=antiX19.2fs will search for the file antiX19.2fs (in whatever device and path bdir you have set before hand if not the default) and boot into it.

sqext=old2 will search for the file linuxfs.old2 as you want to go back to that old remaster because you think you accidentally deleted a file at some point in time but know that that old2 backup contains said file.

Boot retry time


btry=NN sets how many seconds to wait for the boot file to be found. The default is 10 seconds.

retry=NN or try=NN boot options will completely override all other retry boot parameters, overriding btry, ptry and ftry.

btry=20 will give 20 seconds for the boot process to try to find any device that may contain the boot files needed for booting antiX.

retry=30 will set the time for searching for boot files to 30 seconds. If you are trying to load persistence and frugal files from a specific device, it will also limit the time it searches for them to 30 seconds.

Check file integrity


checkmd5 and md5 are used to check the integrity of the install media (requires an existing md5 file for each of the tested files to also be included inside the boot folder).

checkfs will check the integrity of the live (linuxfs) and persistence files and report if there are any errors.

nocheckfs The live-usb, like an installed system, will periodically check its own file system based the time since the last check and/or the number of mounts since the last check. Use this option to turn thisfeature off.



Normally, remastering is done automatically whenever there is a file in the same directory as the linuxfs file. These two options affect remastering.

noremaster Disable remastering even when a file is found.
rollback Roll back to the previous remastered version (linuxfs.old). If you remaster and for some reason things go horribly wrong, then use this feature to get back to the state right before you did the remaster.

Load to RAM


If you want improved live system speed and have enough RAM to spare, you can choose to boot the live system to RAM. The live system will be snappy, you will no longer need the boot media (CD/DVD or USB can be dismounted a few seconds after the whole system boots properly) at the only cost of "a bit" of your RAM (2GBs minimum recommendation for live with no persistence).

toram will copy the entire boot image to RAM (linuxfs file and other relevant files and folders). The amount of RAM used will be about the same as the size of the .iso file used to create the LiveCD or LiveUSB, so you will need to calculate if the amount of free RAM is enough. After loading everything to RAM, you should be able to remove the live media at any time (except if needed for persistence).

You can also use the boot parameter toram=<option> with one of these options:

toram=min will only copy the linuxfs file to RAM, so it reduces the amount of RAM required by a few MBs (you save about 50MBs of RAM space). It is useful when you are really tight on RAM and every MB counts. You can remove the live device when you are sure the whole system has booted correctly.
toram=store will also only load the linuxfs file and keep the connection with the live media (no "eject" of the Live media). Useful if you want to keep the Live device connected because you want to access (or save) files using the LiveUSB-Storage feature.

Live session changes

Option Description Examples

Save boot options


If you want to save the boot options you have selected (or manually typed) in the antiX Live Boot screen, you have various options.

For the Legacy_BIOS boot, using the intuitive menus, you will find the save options under the F8 menus. The next boot parameters complement the ones available from the menu. These options only work on writable live devices for the isolinux/syslinux menus for legacy_bios boot.

save and gfxsave (These boot parameters are identical to using that save option from F8 menu, and will remember your selection on the next reboot (if on a writable live device).
gfxsave=<option> (Gives you more options for saving boot options on legacy_bios boot. Valid values are:
gfxsave=custom will only save the custom boot parameters written on the "Boot Options" bar for the next reboot.
gfxsave=menus will only save the Fn boot menu selections and not the typed boot options.
gfxsave=both will store both menu options and typed options. This option is equivalent to save and gfxsave options.
gfxsave=reset will reset all boot options to the default values. It is equivalent to the reset option in the F8 menus for legacy_BIOS boot.

If using UEFI boot or using the grub menus in legacy_boot, you cannot use the previous gfxsave options. Instead, you use the option:

bootsave will save the typed boot parameters for future boots to a Custom boot menu entry in the live grub boot menu.

Live Storage


By default for most live USB and frugal installs, you will find that the Live Storage feature is enabled. This gives access to a Live Storage folder hosted in the Live device where you can load and save files that will remain after exiting the live session. Very usefull if you don't have the space for (or don't want) the persistence feature.

dostore Enables the Live Storage feature if previously disabled.
nostore Disables the Live Storage feature.
nosavelogs New since antiX 19. Live log files are saved under /root/Live-usb-storage/live-logs (if Live Storage is enabled). This parameter disables this feature. This feature is handy because it automatically preserves the live log files across

reboots and makes them available if you mount the live-usb on a host system.

For the Live Storage feature to work, the live device needs to be connected, needs to be writable (CD/DVD are usually NOT) and requires a folder named "Live-usb-storage" to exist inside it (that will store all live storage files for each user).

Save live state


If running frugally or from live USB, by default some small changes in the antiX live system are kept between reboots. This improves the experience between reboots, as some preferences (like wifi passwords, default desktop session, specific boot parameters and other machine-specific state files) would need to be changed every time one launches the antiX live system. Persistence is not required for this function to work.

savestate (Enables this feature if previously disabled).
nosavestate (Disables saving state files
You can control which files get saved by editing the files /live/boot-dev/antiX/state/general-state-files and /live/boot-dev/antiX/state/machine-state-files. Those files and the directory they are in will be created automatically the first time you boot the LiveUSB. If enabled or disabled, this option is "sticky", so the system will remember the option you selected upon the next reboot.

Live password change


The well known and well advertised default passwords for the root and demo accounts on the Live system are a security risk. Using your own passwords instead of the defaults should make your system a little safer (read Note at the bottom).

private, password and pw boot options will help you change the passwords for root and main user (generally demo) in a terminal prompt during the boot process.
private=, password= and pw=<username> will let you change the password on a live system for whatever user you want (it can be demo, root or whatever other users you have created).
Note: These boot options can be used at any time for a live system, even for live CD/DVD, or if you have already changed the password previously, have created other users and even with frugal and persistence. So, if you forget your passwords, you can always use these option to change them for new passwords you can remember.

password=antixuser will let you change the password for the user antixuser in an already created live system that has that user account. It will not affect autologin. If the user account doesn't exist in that antiX live system, the password change prompt will not come up.

password=root will let you change the root password in any antiX live system before booting into it.

Live swap


New since antiX 19, you can now create a swap file even before booting into antiX. Very useful for those with limited RAM.

mk_swap_file will help you create a swap file (created as /live/boot-dev/swap-file) before booting into the system in a similar way as how persistence file creation works (suggesting sizes).
mk_swap_file=<amount> will create a swap file with the size you specify (in MiB by default but M and G are also allowed) if there is enough space and the device is writable.

Creating a swap-file can take a long time because swap files are not allowed to be sparse. The default is to always use this swap partition unless the live_swap=all-off cheat is used.

You can still mount an already existing swap partition once you have booted inside the live system. Some extra live swap options are:

live_swap=force will search for and force the use of any available swap file or partition on the live antiX system (even when encryption is used).
live_swap=off will disable the use of swap partitions entirely, but you can still use swap files. This is the default for encrypted live-USBs.
live_swap=all-off will disable the use of all swap files and partition (no swap at all).

On live encrypted devices, the use of swap partitions is disabled by default, but on non-encrypted live sessions, the system will be able to mount swap files and partitions by default.

mk_swap_file=4G will create a 4 GBs swap file on your live device. If there is not enough space or the device is not writable, the swap file will not be created. Take into account that this file will reduce the amount of free space inside the live device by 4Gbs (and if on USB 2.0 or on a slow USB device, it will take a long time to make).

live_swap=force will force the use of a swap file or partition (if available), even if you are booting a live encrypted device.

Live Session Personalization

Option Description Examples

Language selection


The lang=<language-code> boot option will let you change the language of the live system and the proceding boot messages. It will also change the keyboard layout and the timezone to one that matches the language selected (and also the repo mirror to the closest to said timezone). You can override these keyboard and timezone selections with the boot parameters kbd=<keyboard-layout> and tz=<time-zone> to specify the ones you want to use instead.

The table below contains a list of the current languages suported by the boot menus (though more are usable to set the language of the running live system):

language-code Language selection


Language: Albanian (Shqipe)
Keyboard: sq (albanian)
Timezone: Europe/Tirane
Mirror: gr


Language: Arabic
Keyboard: ar (arabic)
Timezone: Africa/Cairo
Mirror: us


Language: English (Australia)
Keyboard: us
Timezone: Australia/Sydney
Mirror: au


Language: Belgian French (Belgo-française)
Keyboard: be,fr
Timezone: Europe/Brussels
Mirror: be


Language: Belgian Dutch (Belgisch-Nederlandse)
Keyboard: be,fr
Timezone: Europe/Brussels
Mirror: be


Language: Bulgarian (български)
Keyboard: bg
Timezone: Europe/Sofia
Mirror: bg


Language: Brazilian Portuguese (Português-Brasil)
Keyboard: br
Timezone: America/Sao_Paulo
Mirror: br


Language: Belarusian (Беларускі)
Keyboard: by
Timezone: Europe/Minsk
Mirror: ru


Language: Catalan (Català)
Keyboard: es
Timezone: Europe/Madrid
Mirror: es


Language: Swiss German (Deutsch-Schweizer)
Keyboard: ch,de,fr
Timezone: Europe/Zurich
Mirror: ch


Language: Simplified Chinese
Keyboard: us
Timezone: Asia/Macau
Mirror: hk


Language: Czech (Český)
Keyboard: cz
Timezone: Europe/Prague
Mirror: cz


Language: German (Deutsch)
Keyboard: de
Timezone: Europe/Berlin
Mirror: de


Language: Danish (Dansk)
Keyboard: dk
Timezone: Europe/Copenhagen
Mirror: dk


Language: Greek (Ελληνικά)
Keyboard: gr
Timezone: Europe/Athens
Mirror: gr


Language: English (US)
Keyboard: us
Timezone: America/New_York
Mirror: us


Language: English (New Zealand)
Keyboard: us
Timezone: Pacific/Auckland
Mirror: nz


Language: Spanish (Spain)
Keyboard: es
Timezone: Europe/Madrid
Mirror: es


Language: Spanish (Argentina)
Keyboard: es
Timezone: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
Mirror: cl


Language: Spanish (Bolivia)
Keyboard: es
Timezone: America/La_Paz
Mirror: br


Language: Spanish (Mexico)
Keyboard: es
Timezone: America/Mexico_City
Mirror: mx


Language: Spanish (Nicaragua)
Keyboard: es
Timezone: America/Managua
Mirror: sv


Language: Spanish (Peru)
Keyboard: es
Timezone: America/Lima
Mirror: bz


Language: Spanish (US)
Keyboard: us
Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
Mirror: us


Language: Spanish (Venezuela)
Keyboard: es
Timezone: America/Caracas
Mirror: bz


Language: Estonian (Eesti)
Keyboard: et
Timezone: Europe/Tallinn
Mirror: ee


Language: Basque (Euskara)
Keyboard: es
Timezone: Europe/Madrid
Mirror: es


Language: Persian, Iranian (Farsi)
Keyboard: ir
Timezone: Asia/Tehran
Mirror: de


Language: Finnish (Suomi)
Keyboard: fi
Timezone: Europe/Helsinki
Mirror: fi


Language: French (Français)
Keyboard: fr
Timezone: Europe/Paris
Mirror: fr


Language: Canadian French (Français canadien)
Keyboard: ca
Timezone: America/Montreal
Mirror: ca


Language: Gaelic (Gàidhlig)
Keyboard: ie
Timezone: Europe/Dublin
Mirror: ie


Language: Georgian (Kartuli)
Keyboard: ge
Timezone: Asia/Tbilisi
Mirror: ru


Language: Hebrew
Keyboard: il
Timezone: Asia/Jerusalem
Mirror: us


Language: Croatian (Hrvatski)
Keyboard: hr
Timezone: Europe/Zagreb
Mirror: hr


Language: Hungarian (Magyar)
Keyboard: hu
Timezone: Europe/Budapest
Mirror: hu


Language: Armenian
Keyboard: am
Timezone: Asia/Yerevan
Mirror: ru


Language: English (Ireland)
Keyboard: ie,gb
Timezone: Europe/Dublin
Mirror: ie


Language: Icelandic (Íslenska)
Keyboard: is
Timezone: Atlantic/Reykjavik
Mirror: is


Language: Italian (Italiano)
Keyboard: it
Timezone: Europe/Rome
Mirror: it


Language: Japanese (Nihongo)
Keyboard: jp
Timezone: Asia/Tokyo
Mirror: jp


Language: Kazakh (Kazak)
Keyboard: kz
Timezone: Asia/Almaty
Mirror: ru


Language: Korean
Keyboard: kr
Timezone: Asia/Seoul
Mirror: kr


Language: Lithuanian (Lietuvos)
Keyboard: lt
Timezone: Europe/Vilnius
Mirror: ee


Language: Latvian (Lettish)
Keyboard: lv
Timezone: Europe/Riga
Mirror: ee


Language: Macedonian (македонски)
Keyboard: mk
Timezone: Europe/Skopje
Mirror: gr


Language: Dutch (Nederlands)
Keyboard: nl
Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam
Mirror: nl


Language: Norwegian (Norske)
Keyboard: no
Timezone: Europe/Oslo
Mirror: no


Language: Polish (Polski)
Keyboard: pl
Timezone: Europe/Warsaw
Mirror: pl


Language: Portuguese (Português)
Keyboard: pt
Timezone: Europe/Lisbon
Mirror: pt


Language: Romanian (Română)
Keyboard: ro
Timezone: Europe/Bucharest
Mirror: ro


Language: Russian (Русская)
Keyboard: ru
Timezone: Europe/Moscow
Mirror: ru


Language: Slovak (Slovenských)
Keyboard: sk
Timezone: Europe/Bratislava
Mirror: sk


Language: Slovenian (Slovenski)
Keyboard: si
Timezone: Europe/Ljubljana
Mirror: si


Language: Serbian (Српски)
Keyboard: sr
Timezone: Europe/Belgrade
Mirror: gr


Language: Swedish (Svenska)
Keyboard: se
Timezone: Europe/Stockholm
Mirror: se


Language: Turkish (Türk)
Keyboard: tr
Timezone: Europe/Istanbul
Mirror: tr


Language: Traditional Chinese
Keyboard: us
Timezone: Asia/Taipei
Mirror: tw


Language: Ukrainian (Українська)
Keyboard: ua
Timezone: Europe/Kiev
Mirror: ua


Language: English (GB)
Keyboard: gb
Timezone: Europe/London
Mirror: uk

Any language not available will default to US English option.

lang=pt_BR will set your live systems language to Brazilian portuguese. During boot, it will display the loading messages in Brazilian Portuguese. Your timezone will be fixed to Sao Paulo (UTC - 3h) and your system will interpret your keyboard strokes as if you were using a br layout. If you check your repos, you will see the system using a mirror set up in brazil. All these changes will be kept and applied if you install antiX from the live system to your computer HD.

Timezone selection


Set the timezone using tz= boot parameter. When using this option, it will also set the mirror location of your repos. Some of the timezones can be seen in the available table for the lang= boot option and for the menus=tz boot menus.

The default timezone if non has been specified will be related to the lang= boot code. If non is selected, the default will be America/New_York

tz=Africa/Tripoli will set the timezone to Tripoli (Libia), which is UTC + 2h. As this city has no available repos for antiX, the repo mirror used is the closest one to this timezone, Italy (as of the day this was published).

Keyboard selection


kbd=<keyboard-layouts> will set the keyboard layout of your choosing. You can set various keyboard layouts for this boot option separated by commas. By default it uses the us keyboard layout. The table below contains the most used keyboard layout codes:

layout-code keyboard
us English (US)
af Afghani
ara Arabic
al Albanian
am Armenian
at German (Austria)
au English (Australian)
az Azerbaijani
by Belarusian
be Belgian
bd Bangla
in Indian
ba Bosnian
br Portuguese (Brazil)
bg Bulgarian
dz Berber (Algeria, Latin)
ma Arabic (Morocco)
cm English (Cameroon)
mm Burmese
ca French (Canada)
cd French (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
cn Chinese
hr Croatian
cz Czech
dk Danish
nl Dutch
bt Dzongkha
ee Estonian
ir Persian
iq Iraqi
fo Faroese
fi Finnish
fr French
gh English (Ghana)
gn French (Guinea)
ge Georgian
de German
gr Greek
hu Hungarian
is Icelandic
il Hebrew
it Italian
jp Japanese
kg Kyrgyz
kh Khmer (Cambodia)
kz Kazakh
la Lao
latam Spanish (Latin American)
lt Lithuanian
lv Latvian
mao Maori
me Montenegrin
mk Macedonian
mt Maltese
mn Mongolian
no Norwegian
pl Polish
pt Portuguese
ro Romanian
ru Russian
rs Serbian
si Slovenian
sk Slovak
es Spanish
se Swedish
ch German (Switzerland)
sy Arabic (Syria)
tj Tajik
lk Sinhala (phonetic)
th Thai
tr Turkish
tw Taiwanese
ua Ukrainian
gb English (UK)
uz Uzbek
vn Vietnamese
kr Korean
nec_vndr/jp Japanese (PC-98)
ie Irish
pk Urdu (Pakistan)
mv Dhivehi
za English (South Africa)
epo Esperanto
np Nepali
ng English (Nigeria)
et Amharic
sn Wolof
brai Braille
tm Turkmen
ml Bambara
tz Swahili (Tanzania)
tg French (Togo)
ke Swahili (Kenya)
bw Tswana
ph Filipino
md Moldavian
id Indonesian (Jawi)
my Malay (Jawi, Arabic Keyboard)

kbopt=<keyboard-options> will set various keyboard options for the current keyboard layout selected. These give special meaning to certain keys or key combinations and should work for most keyboard layouts. The table below contains most of the keyboard options available:

option-code keyboard Option
grp Switching to another layout
grp:switch Right Alt (while pressed)
grp:lswitch Left Alt (while pressed)
grp:lwin_switch Left Win (while pressed)
grp:rwin_switch Left Win (while pressed)
grp:win_switch Any Win (while pressed)
grp:menu_switch Menu (while pressed), Shift+Menu for Menu
grp:caps_switch Caps Lock (while pressed), Alt+Caps Lock for the original Caps Lock action
grp:rctrl_switch Right Ctrl (while pressed)
grp:toggle Right Alt
grp:lalt_toggle Left Alt
grp:caps_toggle Caps Lock
grp:shift_caps_toggle Shift+Caps Lock
grp:shift_caps_switch Caps Lock to first layout; Shift+Caps Lock to last layout
grp:win_menu_switch Left Win to first layout; Right Win/Menu to last layout
grp:lctrl_rctrl_switch Left Ctrl to first layout; Right Ctrl to last layout
grp:alt_caps_toggle Alt+Caps Lock
grp:shifts_toggle Both Shift together
grp:alts_toggle Both Alt together
grp:ctrls_toggle Both Ctrl together
grp:ctrl_shift_toggle Ctrl+Shift
grp:lctrl_lshift_toggle Left Ctrl+Left Shift
grp:rctrl_rshift_toggle Right Ctrl+Right Shift
grp:ctrl_alt_toggle Alt+Ctrl
grp:alt_shift_toggle Alt+Shift
grp:lalt_lshift_toggle Left Alt+Left Shift
grp:alt_space_toggle Alt+Space
grp:menu_toggle Menu
grp:lwin_toggle Left Win
grp:win_space_toggle Win+Space
grp:rwin_toggle Right Win
grp:lshift_toggle Left Shift
grp:rshift_toggle Right Shift
grp:lctrl_toggle Left Ctrl
grp:rctrl_toggle Right Ctrl
grp:sclk_toggle Scroll Lock
grp:lctrl_lwin_rctrl_menu Left Ctrl+Left Win to first layout; Right Ctrl+Menu to second layout
grp:lctrl_lwin_toggle Left Ctrl+Left Win
lv3 Key to choose the 3rd level
lv3:switch Right Ctrl
lv3:menu_switch Menu
lv3:win_switch Any Win
lv3:lwin_switch Left Win
lv3:rwin_switch Right Win
lv3:alt_switch Any Alt
lv3:lalt_switch Left Alt
lv3:ralt_switch Right Alt
lv3:ralt_switch_multikey Right Alt; Shift+Right Alt as Compose
lv3:ralt_alt Right Alt never chooses 3rd level
lv3:enter_switch Enter on keypad
lv3:caps_switch Caps Lock
lv3:bksl_switch Backslash
lv3:lsgt_switch <Less/Greater>
lv3:caps_switch_latch Caps Lock; acts as onetime lock when pressed together with another 3rd-level chooser
lv3:bksl_switch_latch Backslash; acts as onetime lock when pressed together with another 3rd level chooser
lv3:lsgt_switch_latch <Less/Greater>; acts as onetime lock when pressed together with another 3rd level chooser
ctrl Ctrl position
ctrl:nocaps Caps Lock as Ctrl
ctrl:lctrl_meta Left Ctrl as Meta
ctrl:swapcaps Swap Ctrl and Caps Lock
ctrl:ac_ctrl At left of 'A'
ctrl:aa_ctrl At bottom left
ctrl:rctrl_ralt Right Ctrl as Right Alt
ctrl:menu_rctrl Menu as Right Ctrl
ctrl:swap_lalt_lctl Swap Left Alt with Left Ctrl
ctrl:swap_lwin_lctl Swap Left Win with Left Ctrl
ctrl:swap_rwin_rctl Swap Right Win with Right Ctrl
ctrl:swap_lalt_lctl_lwin Left Alt as Ctrl, Left Ctrl as Win, Left Win as Left Alt
grp_led Use keyboard LED to show alternative layout
grp_led:num Num Lock
grp_led:caps Caps Lock
grp_led:scroll Scroll Lock
keypad Layout of numeric keypad
keypad:legacy Legacy
keypad:oss Unicode additions (arrows and math operators)
keypad:future Unicode additions (arrows and math operators; math operators on default level)
keypad:legacy_wang Legacy Wang 724
keypad:oss_wang Wang 724 keypad with Unicode additions (arrows and math operators)
keypad:future_wang Wang 724 keypad with Unicode additions (arrows and math operators; math operators on default level)
keypad:hex Hexadecimal
keypad:atm ATM/phone-style
kpdl Numeric keypad Delete behavior
kpdl:dot Legacy key with dot
kpdl:comma Legacy key with comma
kpdl:dotoss Four-level key with dot
kpdl:dotoss_latin9 Four-level key with dot, Latin-9 only
kpdl:commaoss Four-level key with comma
kpdl:momayyezoss Four-level key with momayyez
kpdl:kposs Four-level key with abstract separators
kpdl:semi Semicolon on third level
caps Caps Lock behavior
caps:internal Caps Lock uses internal capitalization; Shift "pauses" Caps Lock
caps:internal_nocancel Caps Lock uses internal capitalization; Shift does not affect Caps Lock
caps:shift Caps Lock acts as Shift with locking; Shift "pauses" Caps Lock
caps:shift_nocancel Caps Lock acts as Shift with locking; Shift does not affect Caps Lock
caps:capslock Caps Lock toggles normal capitalization of alphabetic characters
caps:shiftlock Caps Lock toggles ShiftLock (affects all keys)
caps:swapescape Swap ESC and Caps Lock
caps:escape Make Caps Lock an additional Esc
caps:backspace Make Caps Lock an additional Backspace
caps:super Make Caps Lock an additional Super
caps:hyper Make Caps Lock an additional Hyper
caps:menu Make Caps Lock an additional Menu key
caps:numlock Make Caps Lock an additional Num Lock
caps:ctrl_modifier Caps Lock is also a Ctrl
caps:none Caps Lock is disabled
altwin Alt/Win key behavior
altwin:menu Add the standard behavior to Menu key
altwin:meta_alt Alt and Meta are on Alt
altwin:alt_win Alt is mapped to Win and the usual Alt
altwin:ctrl_win Ctrl is mapped to Win and the usual Ctrl keys
altwin:ctrl_alt_win Ctrl is mapped to Alt; Alt is mapped to Win
altwin:meta_win Meta is mapped to Win
altwin:left_meta_win Meta is mapped to Left Win
altwin:hyper_win Hyper is mapped to Win
altwin:alt_super_win Alt is mapped to Right Win, Super to Menu
altwin:swap_lalt_lwin Left Alt is swapped with Left Win
altwin:swap_alt_win Alt is swapped with Win
altwin:prtsc_rwin Win is mapped to PrtSc and the usual Win
Compose key Position of Compose key
compose:ralt Right Alt
compose:lwin Left Win
compose:lwin-altgr 3rd level of Left Win
compose:rwin Right Win
compose:rwin-altgr 3rd level of Right Win
compose:menu Menu
compose:menu-altgr 3rd level of Menu
compose:lctrl Left Ctrl
compose:lctrl-altgr 3rd level of Left Ctrl
compose:rctrl Right Ctrl
compose:rctrl-altgr 3rd level of Right Ctrl
compose:caps Caps Lock
compose:caps-altgr 3rd level of Caps Lock
compose:102 <Less/Greater>
compose:102-altgr 3rd level of <Less/Greater>
compose:paus Pause
compose:prsc PrtSc
compose:sclk Scroll Lock
compat Miscellaneous compatibility options
numpad:pc Default numeric keypad keys
numpad:mac Numeric keypad always enters digits (as in macOS)
numpad:microsoft Num Lock on: digits; Shift for arrow keys. Num Lock off: arrow keys (as in Windows)
numpad:shift3 Shift does not cancel Num Lock, chooses 3rd level instead
srvrkeys:none Special keys (Ctrl+Alt+<key>) handled in a server
apple:alupckeys Apple Aluminium: emulate PC keys (PrtSc, Scroll Lock, Pause, Num Lock)
shift:breaks_caps Shift cancels Caps Lock
misc:typo Enable extra typographic characters
shift:both_capslock Both Shift together enable Caps Lock
shift:both_capslock_cancel Both Shift together enable Caps Lock; one Shift key disables it
shift:both_shiftlock Both Shift together enable Shift Lock
keypad:pointerkeys Shift + Num Lock enables PointerKeys
grab:break_actions Allow breaking grabs with keyboard actions (warning: security risk)
grab:debug Allow grab and window tree logging
currencysign Adding currency signs to certain keys
eurosign:e Euro on E
eurosign:2 Euro on 2
eurosign:4 Euro on 4
eurosign:5 Euro on 5
rupeesign:4 Rupee on 4
lv5 Key to choose 5th level
lv5:lsgt_switch_lock <Less/Greater>; chooses 5th level; acts as onetime lock when pressed together with another 5th level chooser
lv5:ralt_switch_lock Right Alt chooses 5th level; acts as onetime lock when pressed together with another 5th level chooser
lv5:lwin_switch_lock Left Win chooses 5th level; acts as onetime lock when pressed together with another 5th level chooser
lv5:rwin_switch_lock Right Win chooses 5th level; acts as onetime lock when pressed together with another 5th level chooser
nbsp Using space key to input non-breaking space
nbsp:none Usual space at any level
nbsp:level2 Non-breaking space at the 2nd level
nbsp:level3 Non-breaking space at the 3rd level
nbsp:level3s Non-breaking space at the 3rd level, nothing at the 4th level
nbsp:level3n Non-breaking space at the 3rd level, thin non-breaking space at the 4th level
nbsp:level4 Non-breaking space at the 4th level
nbsp:level4n Non-breaking space at the 4th level, thin non-breaking space at the 6th level
nbsp:level4nl Non-breaking space at the 4th level, thin non-breaking space at the 6th level (via Ctrl+Shift)
nbsp:zwnj2 Zero-width non-joiner at the 2nd level
nbsp:zwnj2zwj3 Zero-width non-joiner at the 2nd level, zero-width joiner at the 3rd level
nbsp:zwnj2zwj3nb4 Zero-width non-joiner at the 2nd level, zero-width joiner at the 3rd level, non-breaking space at the 4th level
nbsp:zwnj2nb3 Zero-width non-joiner at the 2nd level, non-breaking space at the 3rd level
nbsp:zwnj2nb3s Zero-width non-joiner at the 2nd level, non-breaking space at the 3rd level, nothing at the 4th level
nbsp:zwnj2nb3zwj4 Zero-width non-joiner at the 2nd level, non-breaking space at the 3rd level, zero-width joiner at the 4th level
nbsp:zwnj2nb3nnb4 Zero-width non-joiner at the 2nd level, non-breaking space at the 3rd level, thin non-breaking space at the 4th level
nbsp:zwnj3zwj4 Zero-width non-joiner at the 3rd level, zero-width joiner at the 4th level
japan Japanese keyboard options
japan:kana_lock Kana Lock key is locking
japan:nicola_f_bs NICOLA-F style Backspace
japan:hztg_escape Make Zenkaku Hankaku an additional Esc
korean Korean Hangul/Hanja keys
korean:ralt_rctrl Right Alt as Hangul, right Ctrl as Hanja
korean:rctrl_ralt Right Ctrl as Hangul, right Alt as Hanja
esperanto Adding Esperanto supersigned letters
esperanto:qwerty To the corresponding key in a QWERTY layout
esperanto:dvorak To the corresponding key in a Dvorak layout
esperanto:colemak To the corresponding key in a Colemak layout
solaris Maintain key compatibility with old Solaris keycodes
solaris:sun_compat Sun Key compatibility
terminate Key sequence to kill the X server
terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp Ctrl+Alt+Backspace

kbvar=<keyboard-variant> will set the keyboard variant. These are variants to the keyboard layout selected previously. The table below contains most of the keyboard variants available:

variant-code layout-code Variant
chr us Cherokee
euro us English (US, euro on 5)
intl us English (US, intl., with dead keys)
alt-intl us English (US, alt. intl.)
colemak us English (Colemak)
dvorak us English (Dvorak)
dvorak-intl us English (Dvorak, intl., with dead keys)
dvorak-alt-intl us English (Dvorak, alt. intl.)
dvorak-l us English (Dvorak, left-handed)
dvorak-r us English (Dvorak, right-handed)
dvorak-classic us English (classic Dvorak)
dvp us English (programmer Dvorak)
rus us Russian (US, phonetic)
mac us English (Macintosh)
altgr-intl us English (intl., with AltGr dead keys)
olpc2 us English (the divide/multiply keys toggle the layout)
hbs us Serbo-Croatian (US)
workman us English (Workman)
workman-intl us English (Workman, intl., with dead keys)
ps af Pashto
uz af Uzbek (Afghanistan)
olpc-ps af Pashto (Afghanistan, OLPC)
fa-olpc af Persian (Afghanistan, Dari OLPC)
uz-olpc af Uzbek (Afghanistan, OLPC)
azerty ara Arabic (AZERTY)
azerty_digits ara Arabic (AZERTY/digits)
digits ara Arabic (digits)
qwerty ara Arabic (QWERTY)
qwerty_digits ara Arabic (qwerty/digits)
buckwalter ara Arabic (Buckwalter)
olpc ara Arabic (OLPC)
mac ara Arabic (Macintosh)
plisi al Albanian (Plisi)
phonetic am Armenian (phonetic)
phonetic-alt am Armenian (alt. phonetic)
eastern am Armenian (eastern)
western am Armenian (western)
eastern-alt am Armenian (alt. eastern)
nodeadkeys at German (Austria, no dead keys)
sundeadkeys at German (Austria, with Sun dead keys)
mac at German (Austria, Macintosh)
cyrillic az Azerbaijani (Cyrillic)
legacy by Belarusian (legacy)
latin by Belarusian (Latin)
oss be Belgian (alt.)
oss_latin9 be Belgian (alt., Latin-9 only)
oss_sundeadkeys be Belgian (alt., with Sun dead keys)
iso-alternate be Belgian (alt. ISO)
nodeadkeys be Belgian (no dead keys)
sundeadkeys be Belgian (with Sun dead keys)
wang be Belgian (Wang 724 AZERTY)
probhat bd Bangla (Probhat)
ben in Bangla (India)
ben_probhat in Bangla (India, Probhat)
ben_baishakhi in Bangla (India, Baishakhi)
ben_bornona in Bangla (India, Bornona)
ben_gitanjali in Bangla (India, Uni Gitanjali)
ben_inscript in Bangla (India, Baishakhi Inscript)
eeyek in Manipuri (Eeyek)
guj in Gujarati
guru in Punjabi (Gurmukhi)
jhelum in Punjabi (Gurmukhi Jhelum)
kan in Kannada
kan-kagapa in Kannada (KaGaPa phonetic)
kan-kagapa in Kannada (KaGaPa phonetic)
mal in Malayalam
mal_lalitha in Malayalam (Lalitha)
mal_enhanced in Malayalam (enhanced Inscript, with rupee)
ori in Oriya
olck in Ol Chiki
tam_tamilnet in Tamil (TamilNet '99)
tam_tamilnet_with_tam_nums in Tamil (TamilNet '99 with Tamil numerals)
tam_tamilnet_TAB in Tamil (TamilNet '99, TAB encoding)
tam_tamilnet_TSCII in Tamil (TamilNet '99, TSCII encoding)
tam in Tamil (Inscript)
tel in Telugu
tel-kagapa in Telugu (KaGaPa phonetic)
tel-sarala in Telugu (Sarala)
tel-kagapa in Telugu (KaGaPa phonetic)
urd-phonetic in Urdu (phonetic)
urd-phonetic3 in Urdu (alt. phonetic)
urd-winkeys in Urdu (Win keys)
bolnagri in Hindi (Bolnagri)
hin-wx in Hindi (Wx)
hin-kagapa in Hindi (KaGaPa phonetic)
san-kagapa in Sanskrit (KaGaPa phonetic)
mar-kagapa in Marathi (KaGaPa phonetic)
eng in English (India, with rupee)
alternatequotes ba Bosnian (with guillemets)
unicode ba Bosnian (with Bosnian digraphs)
unicodeus ba Bosnian (US, with Bosnian digraphs)
us ba Bosnian (US, with Bosnian letters)
nodeadkeys br Portuguese (Brazil, no dead keys)
dvorak br Portuguese (Brazil, Dvorak)
nativo br Portuguese (Brazil, Nativo)
nativo-us br Portuguese (Brazil, Nativo for US keyboards)
nativo-epo br Esperanto (Brazil, Nativo)
thinkpad br Portuguese (Brazil, IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad)
phonetic bg Bulgarian (traditional phonetic)
bas_phonetic bg Bulgarian (new phonetic)
ber dz Berber (Algeria, Tifinagh)
ar dz Arabic (Algeria)
french ma French (Morocco)
tifinagh ma Berber (Morocco, Tifinagh)
tifinagh-alt ma Berber (Morocco, Tifinagh alt.)
tifinagh-alt-phonetic ma Berber (Morocco, Tifinagh alt. phonetic)
tifinagh-extended ma Berber (Morocco, Tifinagh extended)
tifinagh-phonetic ma Berber (Morocco, Tifinagh phonetic)
tifinagh-extended-phonetic ma Berber (Morocco, Tifinagh extended phonetic)
french cm French (Cameroon)
qwerty cm Cameroon Multilingual (QWERTY)
azerty cm Cameroon Multilingual (AZERTY)
dvorak cm Cameroon Multilingual (Dvorak)
mmuock cm Mmuock
zawgyi mm Burmese Zawgyi
fr-dvorak ca French (Canada, Dvorak)
fr-legacy ca French (Canada, legacy)
multix ca Canadian Multilingual
multi ca Canadian Multilingual (1st part)
multi-2gr ca Canadian Multilingual (2nd part)
ike ca Inuktitut
eng ca English (Canada)
tib cn Tibetan
tib_asciinum cn Tibetan (with ASCII numerals)
ug cn Uyghur
altgr-pinyin cn Hanyu Pinyin (altgr)
alternatequotes hr Croatian (with guillemets)
unicode hr Croatian (with Croatian digraphs)
unicodeus hr Croatian (US, with Croatian digraphs)
us hr Croatian (US, with Croatian letters)
bksl cz Czech (with <\> key)
qwerty cz Czech (QWERTY)
qwerty_bksl cz Czech (QWERTY, extended backslash)
ucw cz Czech (UCW, only accented letters)
dvorak-ucw cz Czech (US, Dvorak, UCW support)
rus cz Russian (Czech, phonetic)
nodeadkeys dk Danish (no dead keys)
winkeys dk Danish (Win keys)
mac dk Danish (Macintosh)
mac_nodeadkeys dk Danish (Macintosh, no dead keys)
dvorak dk Danish (Dvorak)
sundeadkeys nl Dutch (with Sun dead keys)
mac nl Dutch (Macintosh)
std nl Dutch (standard)
nodeadkeys ee Estonian (no dead keys)
dvorak ee Estonian (Dvorak)
us ee Estonian (US, with Estonian letters)
pes_keypad ir Persian (with Persian keypad)
ku ir Kurdish (Iran, Latin Q)
ku_f ir Kurdish (Iran, F)
ku_alt ir Kurdish (Iran, Latin Alt-Q)
ku_ara ir Kurdish (Iran, Arabic-Latin)
ku iq Kurdish (Iraq, Latin Q)
ku_f iq Kurdish (Iraq, F)
ku_alt iq Kurdish (Iraq, Latin Alt-Q)
ku_ara iq Kurdish (Iraq, Arabic-Latin)
nodeadkeys fo Faroese (no dead keys)
classic fi Finnish (classic)
nodeadkeys fi Finnish (classic, no dead keys)
winkeys fi Finnish (Winkeys)
smi fi Northern Saami (Finland)
mac fi Finnish (Macintosh)
nodeadkeys fr French (no dead keys)
sundeadkeys fr French (with Sun dead keys)
oss fr French (alt.)
oss_latin9 fr French (alt., Latin-9 only)
oss_nodeadkeys fr French (alt., no dead keys)
oss_sundeadkeys fr French (alt., with Sun dead keys)
latin9 fr French (legacy, alt.)
latin9_nodeadkeys fr French (legacy, alt., no dead keys)
latin9_sundeadkeys fr French (legacy, alt., with Sun dead keys)
bepo fr French (Bepo, ergonomic, Dvorak way)
bepo_latin9 fr French (Bepo, ergonomic, Dvorak way, Latin-9 only)
dvorak fr French (Dvorak)
mac fr French (Macintosh)
azerty fr French (AZERTY)
bre fr French (Breton)
oci fr Occitan
geo fr Georgian (France, AZERTY Tskapo)
us fr French (US, with French letters)
generic gh English (Ghana, multilingual)
akan gh Akan
ewe gh Ewe
fula gh Fula
ga gh Ga
hausa gh Hausa (Ghana)
avn gh Avatime
gillbt gh English (Ghana, GILLBT)
ergonomic ge Georgian (ergonomic)
mess ge Georgian (MESS)
ru ge Russian (Georgia)
os ge Ossetian (Georgia)
deadacute de German (dead acute)
deadgraveacute de German (dead grave acute)
nodeadkeys de German (no dead keys)
T3 de German (T3)
ro de Romanian (Germany)
ro_nodeadkeys de Romanian (Germany, no dead keys)
dvorak de German (Dvorak)
sundeadkeys de German (with Sun dead keys)
neo de German (Neo 2)
mac de German (Macintosh)
mac_nodeadkeys de German (Macintosh, no dead keys)
dsb de Lower Sorbian
dsb_qwertz de Lower Sorbian (QWERTZ)
qwerty de German (QWERTY)
tr de Turkish (Germany)
ru de Russian (Germany, phonetic)
deadtilde de German (dead tilde)
simple gr Greek (simple)
extended gr Greek (extended)
nodeadkeys gr Greek (no dead keys)
polytonic gr Greek (polytonic)
standard hu Hungarian (standard)
nodeadkeys hu Hungarian (no dead keys)
qwerty hu Hungarian (QWERTY)
101_qwertz_comma_dead hu Hungarian (101/QWERTZ/comma/dead keys)
101_qwertz_comma_nodead hu Hungarian (101/QWERTZ/comma/no dead keys)
101_qwertz_dot_dead hu Hungarian (101/QWERTZ/dot/dead keys)
101_qwertz_dot_nodead hu Hungarian (101/QWERTZ/dot/no dead keys)
101_qwerty_comma_dead hu Hungarian (101/QWERTY/comma/dead keys)
101_qwerty_comma_nodead hu Hungarian (101/QWERTY/comma/no dead keys)
101_qwerty_dot_dead hu Hungarian (101/QWERTY/dot/dead keys)
101_qwerty_dot_nodead hu Hungarian (101/QWERTY/dot/no dead keys)
102_qwertz_comma_dead hu Hungarian (102/QWERTZ/comma/dead keys)
102_qwertz_comma_nodead hu Hungarian (102/QWERTZ/comma/no dead keys)
102_qwertz_dot_dead hu Hungarian (102/QWERTZ/dot/dead keys)
102_qwertz_dot_nodead hu Hungarian (102/QWERTZ/dot/no dead keys)
102_qwerty_comma_dead hu Hungarian (102/QWERTY/comma/dead keys)
102_qwerty_comma_nodead hu Hungarian (102/QWERTY/comma/no dead keys)
102_qwerty_dot_dead hu Hungarian (102/QWERTY/dot/dead keys)
102_qwerty_dot_nodead hu Hungarian (102/QWERTY/dot/no dead keys)
Sundeadkeys is Icelandic (with Sun dead keys)
nodeadkeys is Icelandic (no dead keys)
mac_legacy is Icelandic (Macintosh, legacy)
mac is Icelandic (Macintosh)
dvorak is Icelandic (Dvorak)
lyx il Hebrew (lyx)
phonetic il Hebrew (phonetic)
biblical il Hebrew (Biblical, Tiro)
nodeadkeys it Italian (no dead keys)
winkeys it Italian (Winkeys)
mac it Italian (Macintosh)
us it Italian (US, with Italian letters)
geo it Georgian (Italy)
ibm it Italian (IBM 142)
intl it Italian (intl., with dead keys)
scn it Sicilian
kana jp Japanese (Kana)
kana86 jp Japanese (Kana 86)
OADG109A jp Japanese (OADG 109A)
mac jp Japanese (Macintosh)
dvorak jp Japanese (Dvorak)
phonetic kg Kyrgyz (phonetic)
ruskaz kz Russian (Kazakhstan, with Kazakh)
kazrus kz Kazakh (with Russian)
ext kz Kazakh (extended)
latin kz Kazakh (Latin)
stea la Lao (STEA proposed standard layout)
nodeadkeys latam Spanish (Latin American, no dead keys)
deadtilde latam Spanish (Latin American, dead tilde)
sundeadkeys latam Spanish (Latin American, with Sun dead keys)
dvorak latam Spanish (Latin American, Dvorak)
colemak latam Spanish (Latin American, Colemak)
colemak-gaming latam Spanish (Latin American, Colemak for gaming)
std lt Lithuanian (standard)
us lt Lithuanian (US, with Lithuanian letters)
ibm lt Lithuanian (IBM LST 1205-92)
lekp lt Lithuanian (LEKP)
lekpa lt Lithuanian (LEKPa)
apostrophe lv Latvian (apostrophe)
tilde lv Latvian (tilde)
fkey lv Latvian (F)
modern lv Latvian (modern)
ergonomic lv Latvian (ergonomic, ŪGJRMV)
adapted lv Latvian (adapted)
cyrillic me Montenegrin (Cyrillic)
cyrillicyz me Montenegrin (Cyrillic, ZE and ZHE swapped)
latinunicode me Montenegrin (Latin, Unicode)
latinyz me Montenegrin (Latin, QWERTY)
latinunicodeyz me Montenegrin (Latin, Unicode, QWERTY)
cyrillicalternatequotes me Montenegrin (Cyrillic with guillemets)
latinalternatequotes me Montenegrin (Latin with guillemets)
nodeadkeys mk Macedonian (no dead keys)
us mt Maltese (with US layout)
nodeadkeys no Norwegian (no dead keys)
winkeys no Norwegian (Win keys)
dvorak no Norwegian (Dvorak)
smi no Northern Saami (Norway)
smi_nodeadkeys no Northern Saami (Norway, no dead keys)
mac no Norwegian (Macintosh)
mac_nodeadkeys no Norwegian (Macintosh, no dead keys)
colemak no Norwegian (Colemak)
legacy pl Polish (legacy)
qwertz pl Polish (QWERTZ)
dvorak pl Polish (Dvorak)
dvorak_quotes pl Polish (Dvorak, with Polish quotes on quotemark key)
dvorak_altquotes pl Polish (Dvorak, with Polish quotes on key 1)
csb pl Kashubian
szl pl Silesian
ru_phonetic_dvorak pl Russian (Poland, phonetic Dvorak)
dvp pl Polish (programmer Dvorak)
nodeadkeys pt Portuguese (no dead keys)
sundeadkeys pt Portuguese (with Sun dead keys)
mac pt Portuguese (Macintosh)
mac_nodeadkeys pt Portuguese (Macintosh, no dead keys)
mac_sundeadkeys pt Portuguese (Macintosh, with Sun dead keys)
nativo pt Portuguese (Nativo)
nativo-us pt Portuguese (Nativo for US keyboards)
nativo-epo pt Esperanto (Portugal, Nativo)
cedilla ro Romanian (cedilla)
std ro Romanian (standard)
std_cedilla ro Romanian (standard cedilla)
winkeys ro Romanian (Win keys)
phonetic ru Russian (phonetic)
phonetic_winkeys ru Russian (phonetic, with Win keys)
phonetic_yazherty ru Russian (phonetic yazherty)
typewriter ru Russian (typewriter)
legacy ru Russian (legacy)
typewriter-legacy ru Russian (typewriter, legacy)
tt ru Tatar
os_legacy ru Ossetian (legacy)
os_winkeys ru Ossetian (Win keys)
cv ru Chuvash
cv_latin ru Chuvash (Latin)
udm ru Udmurt
kom ru Komi
sah ru Yakut
xal ru Kalmyk
dos ru Russian (DOS)
mac ru Russian (Macintosh)
srp ru Serbian (Russia)
bak ru Bashkirian
chm ru Mari
phonetic_azerty ru Russian (phonetic, AZERTY)
phonetic_dvorak ru Russian (phonetic, Dvorak)
phonetic_fr ru Russian (phonetic, French)
yz rs Serbian (Cyrillic, ZE and ZHE swapped)
latin rs Serbian (Latin)
latinunicode rs Serbian (Latin, Unicode)
latinyz rs Serbian (Latin, QWERTY)
latinunicodeyz rs Serbian (Latin, Unicode, QWERTY)
alternatequotes rs Serbian (Cyrillic with guillemets)
latinalternatequotes rs Serbian (Latin with guillemets)
rue rs Pannonian Rusyn
alternatequotes si Slovenian (with guillemets)
us si Slovenian (US, with Slovenian letters)
bksl sk Slovak (extended backslash)
qwerty sk Slovak (QWERTY)
qwerty_bksl sk Slovak (QWERTY, extended backslash)
nodeadkeys es Spanish (no dead keys)
winkeys es Spanish (Win keys)
deadtilde es Spanish (dead tilde)
sundeadkeys es Spanish (with Sun dead keys)
dvorak es Spanish (Dvorak)
ast es Asturian (Spain, with bottom-dot H and bottom-dot L)
cat es Catalan (Spain, with middle-dot L)
mac es Spanish (Macintosh)
nodeadkeys se Swedish (no dead keys)
dvorak se Swedish (Dvorak)
rus se Russian (Sweden, phonetic)
rus_nodeadkeys se Russian (Sweden, phonetic, no dead keys)
smi se Northern Saami (Sweden)
mac se Swedish (Macintosh)
svdvorak se Swedish (Svdvorak)
us_dvorak se Swedish (based on US Intl. Dvorak)
us se Swedish (US, with Swedish letters)
swl se Swedish Sign Language
legacy ch German (Switzerland, legacy)
de_nodeadkeys ch German (Switzerland, no dead keys)
de_sundeadkeys ch German (Switzerland, with Sun dead keys)
fr ch French (Switzerland)
fr_nodeadkeys ch French (Switzerland, no dead keys)
fr_sundeadkeys ch French (Switzerland, with Sun dead keys)
fr_mac ch French (Switzerland, Macintosh)
de_mac ch German (Switzerland, Macintosh)
syc sy Syriac
syc_phonetic sy Syriac (phonetic)
ku sy Kurdish (Syria, Latin Q)
ku_f sy Kurdish (Syria, F)
ku_alt sy Kurdish (Syria, Latin Alt-Q)
legacy tj Tajik (legacy)
tam_unicode lk Tamil (Sri Lanka, TamilNet '99)
tam_TAB lk Tamil (Sri Lanka, TamilNet '99, TAB encoding)
us lk Sinhala (US, with Sinhala letters)
tis th Thai (TIS-820.2538)
pat th Thai (Pattachote)
f tr Turkish (F)
alt tr Turkish (Alt-Q)
sundeadkeys tr Turkish (with Sun dead keys)
ku tr Kurdish (Turkey, Latin Q)
ku_f tr Kurdish (Turkey, F)
ku_alt tr Kurdish (Turkey, Latin Alt-Q)
intl tr Turkish (intl., with dead keys)
crh tr Crimean Tatar (Turkish Q)
crh_f tr Crimean Tatar (Turkish F)
crh_alt tr Crimean Tatar (Turkish Alt-Q)
indigenous tw Taiwanese (indigenous)
saisiyat tw Saisiyat (Taiwan)
phonetic ua Ukrainian (phonetic)
typewriter ua Ukrainian (typewriter)
winkeys ua Ukrainian (Win keys)
legacy ua Ukrainian (legacy)
rstu ua Ukrainian (standard RSTU)
rstu_ru ua Russian (Ukraine, standard RSTU)
homophonic ua Ukrainian (homophonic)
extd gb English (UK, extended, with Win keys)
intl gb English (UK, intl., with dead keys)
dvorak gb English (UK, Dvorak)
dvorakukp gb English (UK, Dvorak, with UK punctuation)
mac gb English (UK, Macintosh)
mac_intl gb English (UK, intl., Macintosh)
colemak gb English (UK, Colemak)
pl gb Polish (British keyboard)
latin uz Uzbek (Latin)
us vn Vietnamese (US, with Vietnamese letters)
fr vn Vietnamese (French, with Vietnamese letters)
kr104 kr Korean (101/104 key compatible)
CloGaelach ie CloGaelach
UnicodeExpert ie Irish (UnicodeExpert)
ogam ie Ogham
ogam_is434 ie Ogham (IS434)
urd-crulp pk Urdu (Pakistan, CRULP)
urd-nla pk Urdu (Pakistan, NLA)
ara pk Arabic (Pakistan)
snd pk Sindhi
legacy epo Esperanto (displaced semicolon and quote, obsolete)
igbo ng Igbo
yoruba ng Yoruba
hausa ng Hausa (Nigeria)
left_hand brai Braille (left-handed)
left_hand_invert brai Braille (left-handed inverted thumb)
right_hand brai Braille (right-handed)
right_hand_invert brai Braille (right-handed inverted thumb)
alt tm Turkmen (Alt-Q)
fr-oss ml French (Mali, alt.)
us-mac ml English (Mali, US, Macintosh)
us-intl ml English (Mali, US, intl.)
kik ke Kikuyu
qwerty-bay ph Filipino (QWERTY, Baybayin)
capewell-dvorak ph Filipino (Capewell-Dvorak, Latin)
capewell-dvorak-bay ph Filipino (Capewell-Dvorak, Baybayin)
capewell-qwerf2k6 ph Filipino (Capewell-QWERF 2006, Latin)
capewell-qwerf2k6-bay ph Filipino (Capewell-QWERF 2006, Baybayin)
colemak ph Filipino (Colemak, Latin)
colemak-bay ph Filipino (Colemak, Baybayin)
dvorak ph Filipino (Dvorak, Latin)
dvorak-bay ph Filipino (Dvorak, Baybayin)
gag md Moldavian (Gagauz)
phonetic my Malay (Jawi, phonetic)

kbd=gr,jp,us will add three keyboard layouts which you can easily switch from inside the running antiX system, Greel keyboard layout, Japanese keyboard layout and us keyboard layout. If you have multiple keyboards connected (or you knwo by memory where each key is for each layout), this will ease the transition between one to the other layout.

kbopt=ctrl:nocaps turns the Caps Lock key into an extra Control key.

kbvar=dvorak will give you a Dvorak layout for all thre previous selected layouts.

Mirror selection


mirror=<country-code> will set the debian mirror to the country code selected (if there is an available mirror). Will also set the antiX/MX mirror to the one closest to that country. If no mirror is found for that country-code, it will use the one set for the timezone (if no timezone was selected, it will use a USA mirror).

Use the boot option norepo if you don't want the Debian and antiX repo to be based on your language and/or timezone selection. It will use the default US based mirror for your system.

norepo=<country-code> is used if there is a specific mirror you don't want to use (and know it will always select itself) when you select your language or timezone. Instead, it will select the closest repo mirror while ignoring the one you don't want.

mirror=gr will set Debian and antiX repos to use the greek mirror.

lang=en norepo=us will set you language, keyboard layout and timezone to US (English) but try to find a repo mirror that is not based in the USA but that is close enough.

Set hardware clock


Use hwclock= or hwc=<option> to determine how the hardware clock is set (either to UTC or to localtime). If you are dual booting with Windows then you should set the hardware clock to localtime. Otherwise, UTC is preferred. The options are:

ask Have the system help determine the clock setting (requires user input).
utc Use UTC for hardware clock (Linux-only systems)
local Use localtime for hardware clock (Windows systems)

hwclock=ask will help you determine how the hardware clock is set and use its configuration for the antiX system to give the correct time.

Console width


conwidth=<amount> will set the console width, or number of console columns, for the terminal (tty) interface. It is set to 120 by default. The bigger the number the smaller you will see the text size in the console.

Font size


Adjust the size of the font in X-windows with the fontsize=<size> boot option. This does the same thing as setting DPI (see below) but the scale is relative to the default font size. The default fontsize is 1.So setting fontsize=1 does nothing. Setting fontsize=1.1 makes the fonts 10% larger and so on.

DPI stands for "dots per inch". Using the boot parameter dpi=<dpi-amount> will let you control the size of most fonts. A larger DPI value will give you larger fonts and a smaller value will give you smaller fonts. The default is "96". This setting is stored in the Display Manager configuration file. On antiX this is /etc/slim.conf.

fontsize=1.1 makes the fonts 10% larger compared to the original font size.

fontsize=.9 makes the fonts 10% smaller compared to the original font size.

dpi=90 will give you a smaller font size compared to the default font size.

Desktop-Session Selection


desktop=<desktop-session> you can preselect the default window manager and desktop icon manager (if any) before booting into the live system. The available desktop-sessions are the default desktop sessions for antiX Linux:

Basic window managers: icewm, fluxbox, jwm and herbstluftwm
Minimal window managers: min-icewm, min-fluxbox and min-jwm
Window managers with ROX desktop: rox-icewm, rox-fluxbox and rox-jwm
Window managers with SpaceFM desktop: space-icewm, space-fluxbox and space-jwm

desktheme= lets you select a dark or a light theme for the wallpaper and window decorations. You can also use the command set-desktop-theme to change the theme from the command line.

Hostname Selection


Set the hostname of the system with hostname=<name> boot option. The default hostname is "antiX1".

hostname=my-computer will change the hostname of your computer to my-computer.

Automount behaviour


The Live system will dynamically update the fstab file whenever a usb drive gets plugged in. You can also choose to have drives mounted automatically when they are plugged in.

automount, amount and automount=on will enable automounting of any drive that is connected after booting.
mount=usb in addition, will mount all usb drives at boot time
mount=all in addition, will mount ALL devices at boot time
mount=off will disable all extra mounting

So that you dont' have to use autmount and mount=<option>, you can use one unique boot option that works as a combination of both:

amount=<option> has the same options as mount= but it will also enable automounting.

If you don't want to use automounting,

noautomount, automount=off and amnt=off will disable automounting on your live system.

Persistence options

Option Description Examples

Default persistence


This is the most basic persistence option. It is set to create or load root and home persistence files (rootfs and homefs). Its is equivalent to persist=root,home

Persistence mode


This is the main option for controlling Live persistence. It can be given one or more of the following parameters, separated by commas:

auto,a Automatically create rootfs and/or homefs files if they don’t already exist and they are required. Normally, it will prompt the user for size and file system type.
hd Only look on internal hard drives for the persistence device. This is analogous to from=hd for finding the boot device.
usb Only look on USB partitions for the persistence device. This is analogous to from=usb for finding the boot device.
home!,h! Enable and require home persistence. The exclamation point means this form of persistence is required. A non-fatal error will be thrown if it cannot be enabled.
home,h Request home persistence but don’t require it. We will try to enable home persistence but if we can’t then this fact is briefly noted and the boot continues normally.
root!,r! Enable and require root persistence. The exclamation point means this form of persistence is required. A non-fatal error will be thrown if it cannot be enabled.
root,r Request root persistence but don’t require it. We will try to enable root persistence but if we can’t then this fact is briefly noted and the boot continues normally.
static,s If root persistence is enabled then use the static version of root persistence. Normally, dynamic root persistence is used.

persist=auto,home!,root! will look for a home persistence file (homefs) and load it as a static persistent file, and look for a root persistent file (rootfs) and load it dynamically. If they don't exist, it will create them with an automatically decided size. Their existence (rootfs and homefs) is required for correct booting (as seen by the exclamation mark for home and root parameters).

p=hd,r,s will look for a root persistence file (rootfs) in the internal hard drives and, if found, statically (read and write directly to the file) load it. If it cannot be found, it will continue and boot without any persistence option enabled.

Persistence Shortcuts


You can also use some convenient shortcuts, also available from the menu, as persistent boot parameters. They are all related to the ones above.

persist_home is equivalent to persist=home!
persist_root is equivalent to persist=root!
persist_all is equivalent to persist=root!,home!
persist_static_root and p_static_root (new since antiX 19) are equivalent to persist=root!,static
persist_static is equivalent to persist=root!,home!,static since antiX 19 (on previous antiX Linux, like antiX 17, this boot option was equivalent to persist=root!,static, and home persistence was optional).

Persistence Location


Just like the boot device can be specified generally with the from= option and more specifically with options like bdev=, the same choices are available for specifying the persistence device.

On a LiveUSB or a frugal install, the default persistence device is the boot device, which is what you would expect. Normally, the persistence files will sit alongside the linuxfs file used for booting antiX.

On a LiveCD, the default persistence device is whatever device has the disk label antiX-Persist. If you specify a persistence device with one of the three options below, the defaults are ignored.

persistdev=<dev> or pdev=<dev> will set the name of the <device> that hosts the persistence file.
persistlabel=<label>, plabel=<label> or plab=<label> will set the <label> of the partition that hosts the persistence file.
persistuuid=<uuid> or puuid=<uuid> will set The UUID of the persistence device.

All options above will enable persistence even with no persist= boot option.

You can also set the path of the directory that host your persistence files using

persistdir=<path> or pdir=<path>, where <path> stands for the directory path of the folder that stores the persistence files you want to load.

pdev=sdb2 sets sdb2 as the device which contains the persistence files.

pdir=Persistence/antiX19 will load your persistence files from that specific path /Persistence/antiX19 (that is the real directory path inside the device).

Persistence retry time


ptry=NN sets how many seconds to wait for the persistence device to appear. This is only relevant if the persistence device is different from the boot device. The default is 10 seconds.

ptry=20 will give 20 seconds for the boot process to try to find the persistence files.

Frugal options

Option Description Examples

Default frugal


This is the most basic frugal option. It will only search or setup the frugal install but not any persistence options.

Normally, the frugal device is a partition with the label antiX-Frugal. If such a device is not found, then you will be given a list of partitions to choose from. Once you have selected a device, you will be given an option to have it give the antiX-Frugal label. If an antiX frugal install has not already been done on the device you selected, then a frugal install will be performed.

The next time you boot with the frugal option, it will automatically boot from the antiX-Frugal device into the frugal system that was installed. Again, if a frugal install is not found on that device, it will automatically install one.

By default, it will install antiX frugally to a folder named antiX-Frugal-kernel-version (where kernel-version is related to the linux kernel version shipped with that specific antiX iso or remastered system; you can later change the folder name or change it before installing using the fdir= boot parameter).

Frugal with persistence creation


This option lets you load or install antiX frugally using the same persistence options used in persist= boot option:

auto,a Automatically create rootfs and/or homefs files if they don’t already exist and they are required. Normally, it will prompt the user for size and file system type.
hd Only look on internal hard drives for the persistence device. This is analogous to from=hd for finding the boot device.
usb Only look on USB partitions for the persistence device. This is analogous to from=usb for finding the boot device.
home!,h! Enable and require home persistence. The exclamation point means this form of persistence is required. A non-fatal error will be thrown if it cannot be enabled.
home,h Request home persistence but don’t require it. We will try to enable home persistence but if we can’t then this fact is briefly noted and the boot continues normally.
root!,r! Enable and require root persistence. The exclamation point means this form of persistence is required. A non-fatal error will be thrown if it cannot be enabled.
root,r Request root persistence but don’t require it. We will try to enable root persistence but if we can’t then this fact is briefly noted and the boot continues normally.
static,s If root persistence is enabled then use the static version of root persistence. Normally, dynamic root persistence is used.

If persistence is requested and the persistence files are not found, it will offer to create them after the frugal install. If you want to force a persistence file to be created in a later boot, require that form of persistence with an exclamation point.

frugal=auto,home!,root! will create a frugal install (if not already there) and create inside the frugal folder the homefs and rootfs persistence files with automatic size. It doesn't matter if the Frugal install is found or a new one is created, for any of those cases it will force the creation of a root and home persistence. Their existence is required for correct booting (as seen by the exclamation mark for home and root parameters).

frugal=r,s will look for a root persistence file (rootfs) in the frugal install folder (after its installation) and, if found, statically (read and write directly to the file) load it. If it cannot be found, it will continue and boot to the frugal install without any persistence option enabled.

Frugal Shortcuts


You can also use some convenient shortcuts, also available from the menu, as frugal+persistence boot parameters. They are all related to the ones above.

frugal_only is equivalent to frugal, and only creates or load a frugal installation (without persistence of any kind).
frugal_home is equivalent to frugal=home!
frugal_root is equivalent to frugal=root!
frugal_persist is equivalent to frugal=root!,home!
frugal_static_root and f_static_root (new since antiX 19) are equivalent to frugal=root!,static
frugal_static is equivalent to frugal=root!,home!,static since antiX 19 (on previous antiX Linux, like antiX 17, this boot option was equivalent to frugal=root!,static, and home persistence was optional).

Frugal Location


Just like you can select the boot device and the persistence device with device name, label, or uuid, you can do the same with the frugal device. If you specify the frugal device this way and it is not found, it will give you a list of devices to choose from, just like with the frugal parameter, but it will not offer to label the device you have selected.

fdev=<dev> will set the name of the <device> that hosts the frugal install.
flab=<label> will set the <label> of the partition that hosts the frugal install.
fuuid=<uuid> sets the UUID of the frugal partition.

If you want to install frugally to a specific folder (not named antiX-Frugal-kernel-version) or load it specifically from a known folder, use the fdir parameter.

fdir=<path>, where <path> stands for the directory path of the folder that stores (or you want it to store) the frugal installation.

flab=Frugal-Data sets the device with the label "Frugal-Data" as that one that needs to be searched (and should contain) the frugal install.

fdir=antiX19-Frugal will load the frugal installation from that specific path /antiX19-Frugal (that is the real directory path inside the device).

Other frugal options


Other Frugal related boot parameters are:

fforce will force the frugal install if no frugal installation was found.
fneed=<amount> will check if the selected partition for your frugal installation has enough free space (greater than the <amount> set in MBs). Useful for when you know the size you need for frugal + persistence + future remasters.
ftry=NN sets how many seconds to wait for the frugal installation to be found. The default is 10 seconds.

fneed=10000 will set the minimum free space needed for the frugal installation to 10000 MBs. If the device doesn't have that amount of free space, it will not create a frugal installation. ftry=20 will give 20 seconds for the boot process to try to find the frugal installation.

antiX "boot cheat codes" to enable / disable selected services

Below is an excerpt from README (Feb 23, 2021)
uppercase implies "enable", lowercase implies "disable"

    a                disable acpid service
    A                Enable acpid service
    B                Enable service (disabled by default)
    c                disable connmand service
    d [nodbus]       disable dbus service
    F                Enable fbcondecor (console decoration)
    g                disable gpm service (mouse on virtual consoles)
    i                disable ifplugd service
    l [lean]         disable "lean" services (see below)
    L                Enabled syslogd service
    m [mean]         disable "mean" services (see below)
    n                disable nfs service
    N                Enable ntpd service (disbabled by default)
    P                Enable pamd service (disabled by default)
    r [norepo]       don't localize repos based on timezone
    s [nosavestate]  don't save state on live-usb systems
    S [savestate]    DO save state on live-usb systems
    v                disable VirtualBox services
    V                Don't blacklist fb modules, nvidiafb, etc.
      [vboxdecor]    Enable fbcondecor in Virtual Box              {----------  type out entire stringname?
    x [Xtralean]     disable "Xtra-lean" services (see below)
    Y                Enable Plymouth (disabled by default)
Lean Services (l):
    acpi-support   cpufrequtils   loadcpufreq    rsyslog
    acpid          cron           nfs-common     saned
    bluetooth      cups           rpcbind        smartmontools
    bootlogs       irqbalance     rsync          ssh

Xtralean Services (x):
    cryptdisks-early     pppd-dns           ufw
    lm-sensors           urandom

Mean Services (m):
    avahi-daemon               nfs-kernel-server
    dnsmasq                    ntp
    ifplugd                    pppd-dns      resolvconf                rpcbind
    network-manager            smbd
    networking                 ufw